Everyone who has ever wondered how to clean shower glass doors and screens has encountered soap scum, hard water stains and water marks. When you are taking a shower, the shower door gets wet. As the water dries up, it leaves chalky limescale deposits all over the shower enclosure. You then need to remove these marks from your glass surfaces, which can be very difficult if you do not employ some preventative measures and special cleaning tips. If this sounds like too much work and you'd rather use your time doing something else, feel free to give us a call or use our contact form to request a free quote.
The following guide will teach you how to clean shower glass doors and screens like a professional.
Several methods can aid you in cleaning glass shower doors. Which one you choose is entirely up to you, although you can try each and see which works best for your shower door tracks and glass shower door.
Cleaning a glass shower door or screen with white vinegar is one of the best ways to approach this task. It's a completely safe cleaning solution, which can be used on most bathroom surfaces, such as shower screens and your shower curtain.
Mix white vinegar with some dish soap in a spray bottle. Go with equal proportions of both. Spray on the shower door glass and leave it for about half an hour. It needs that time to cut through the grime. Rinse the solution off the shower glass with water and a damp sponge. You should then dry the area with a microfiber cloth.
Learn what not to clean with vinegar in our detailed guide.
Another great solution is to use a product you have in your kitchen cupboards, such as lemon and lemon juice. Of all cleaning products, lemon juice is a fan favourite. That is because it is not only an effective cleaning solution but also refreshing and can introduce a pleasant scent for a long time in the bathroom.
Simply cut a lemon in half and dip one part in a cup of baking soda. Gently scrub on each side of the glass shower door with a circular motion. The acidic contents will make short work of mineral buildup, soapy water stains and other impurities.
Apart from the glass shower doors, the edges/tracks require attention too. The creases in these areas are the ideal place for accumulating soap scum and mineral deposits. Additionally, every time you wipe down the glass during a bathroom cleaning session, some soap scum ends up between the edges.
You can easily remove soap scum from glass door tracks with a toothbrush dipped in shower glass cleaner. If there are hard water stains that are not coming off, use a scraper to lift them off gently. Hold the edge at a 45-degree angle and be careful not to scratch the glass. You can also use a toothbrush dipped in baking soda and water mix. It's effective at removing all kinds of impurities in hard-to-reach areas around the bathroom.
If you wish to have more time between each deep clean session, you should do some routine cleaning with a DIY shower spray. The recipe is simple - 1 cup of water, half a cup of white vinegar, a few drops of dish soap and several drops of essential oil of your preferred scent.
Keep the spray bottle near the shower enclosure and apply it on the shower door after removing excess water. Give it a quick rinse afterwards and that's it. You don't need harsh shower cleaners to keep the glass door sparkling between deep cleans.
There is no straightforward answer to the question. A clean shower glass door is one without visible stains of soap scum and hard water deposits. There are various factors at play, such as how many people are using the shower, how hard the water in your area is, how often you engage in routine cleaning and whether you do the necessary to wipe out excess water. In any case, you should probably wipe down the shower screen every 1-2 weeks with a solution of vinegar and baking soda and clean the entire shower area more thoroughly once a month.
If you don't want to waste time and effort cleaning shower glass over and over, you have to adopt some preventive measures. The good news is that it's easy to implement a few simple measures:
The job of the extractor fan is to keep the moisture levels under control. Don't forget to turn it on for 30 minutes after taking a shower.
Proper ventilation is especially important to minimise the burden of bathroom cleaning. Always open all doors and windows after taking a shower.
If you live in an area with very hard water, consider a water softener. That way you will prevent hard water stains, which can be difficult to remove even with a potent shower cleaner.
Another great way to have streak-free glass shower doors is to use a squeegee after you are done showering. Run it over the surface of the glass to remove excess water. It will keep the shower glass surface cleaner for longer.
Whenever you are cleaning shower glass doors you need to remember one last step in the process - drying the area. No doubt you have used commercial cleaning products or a DIY mix with distilled white vinegar and baking soda. After rinsing with fresh water you should use a dry microfibre cloth or paper towel to remove excess moisture. Otherwise, you will not be left with a streak-free shower glass.
Cleaning shower glass is not a problem when you know how to deal with the situation quickly and easily. Being preventive and employing smart cleaning tactics will get your bathroom door glass clean in no time.
You can also rely on professional aid from Crystal Carpet Cleaners. With well-trained experts and professional equipment, we can get your bathroom sparkling in no time. Give us a call today for a free quote.
If you'd like to learn more, we suggest you read our guide on the best products for deep cleaning.
Mixing distilled white vinegar and warm water is one of the best solutions to keep the bathroom glass clean. Mix vinegar and water in a 1 to 4 ratio and spray on the surface of the glass door. Rinse with water and wipe down with a microfibre cloth.
Vinegar and water solution is a fantastic way to break up the grime and hard water deposits on the shower glass. Scrub the bathroom shower door and rinse with water.
White vinegar is acidic and can easily break down mineral deposits. Spray a solution of 1 part vinegar and 4 parts water, let it sit and rinse.
You don't need harsh chemicals to clean limescale off your bathroom shower door. All you have to do is mix a solution of one part vinegar and two parts water in a spray bottle. Cleaning shower glass with this DIY mix is guaranteed to rid the area of hard water and limescale.
Cheap toothpaste is all you need to polish scratches out of the shower glass. It's a mild abrasive that smoothes the surface and leaves a minty fresh scent.