With the baby coming home, hygiene should be at a level. It is no longer just about dust removal and window blurring. How is it best to keep your home and what preparations to use? In this article, we will share useful tips.
You must clean the home thoroughly before the baby comes. In the first days after birth, his immune system is immature, and your home has to be perfectly clean. That is why a few weeks before giving birth, you can ask your future grandmother or daddy to help you clean.
Before washing the carpet with detergent, you must first obtain the dust from it. The same goes for terracotta and furniture. In this way, the active ingredients in the disinfectant and detergents will get to the hiding germs faster. Microorganisms die when cleaned with a steam cleaner. That is especially true for harmful mites, which are the leading cause of allergies and which are hidden mainly in carpets, fabrics, mattresses and pillows. Steam cleaners clean any surfaces that withstand high temperatures. They are efficient when having a baby at home as they do not use chemicals but operate at high (100 ° C) temperatures.
Direct sunlight is part of the physical methods of disinfection. If you want to destroy pathogens on your child's clothes, blanket, pillow, or plush toy, leave them in the sun for at least a few hours. It is essential to know that through the glass, the action of sunlight decreases dramatically. It is advisable to iron your child's clothes.
Dry heat is one of the most effective methods of disinfection. The high temperature of the iron destroys bacteria, viruses and spores. Laundry has the same effect. Don't worry and add bleach to your kid's white clothes. There is no danger of it irritating his skin. The chlorine contained in it will be dried at high water temperature, dried and ironed. On the other hand, be sure to rinse the baby's clothes. It is good to wash at 90 ° C.
Cleaning with preparations is part of the chemical methods of disinfection. There is no universal disinfectant. Proper selection is vital to avoid the risk of damage to the materials used to make the home furnishings. You can use chlorine-containing preparations such as bleach to disinfect your home, but you must follow the instructions carefully. It is preferable to wash the treated surfaces once more with water. About 60% of microorganisms die after washing with detergent. When cleaning the child's toys, be sure to rinse them afterwards. It is good to boil the rubber toys and wipe the rest with 3% oxygen water. That water also is excellent to clean furniture as it has unique disinfectant properties. When disinfection is performed, it is advisable for the child to be outside for a walk.
The biggest carrier of contagion is dirty hands. Therefore, the mother should wash her hands regularly with water and soap. Only wetting your hands can be dangerous. It is essential that when you wash your hands, remove the rings and clean the areas between your fingers and under your nails.
The cutlery for the newborn must be boil at least until the child is six months of age. If you are worried, you can sterilize bottles and spoons until the child is 1 hour old. It is also essential to boil and towel and the baby's lining. Soak them in cold water, in which you can add a spoonful of baking soda or so-called Sodium bicarbonate, and let them boil for 30 minutes.
Door handles and windows are the places where most pathogens congregate. Most people do not think about how different bacteria can be transferred home with their hands. Therefore, these areas should be clean daily.