Here you will receive essential recommendations on cleaning and disinfecting homes where people undergoing COVID-19 or confirmed cases reside or maybe in self-isolation. It aims to limit the survival of the virus in the environment.
Home Cleaning - Removal of Germs, Impurities and Contaminants on Surfaces Cleaning does not kill the germs, but removes some of them, reducing their number and the risk of spreading the infection.
Home Disinfection - Use of chemicals to eliminate germs on surfaces Disinfection does not clean furniture or remove pathogens, but it destroys them. This can further reduce the risk of spreading the infection.
General recommendations for cleaning and disinfection of dwellings
Family members can routinely clean frequently touched surfaces (tables, chairs, handles, faucets, sinks, power switches, desks, toilets, etc.) with household cleaners and disinfectants appropriate for the surface, following label instructions. Labels contain instructions for the safe and effective use of the cleaning product, including the precautions to be taken when using it, such as wearing gloves and ensuring good ventilation at work. General recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting homes for people isolated at home:
- Clean and disinfect many surfaces in common areas of the household every day (for example chairs, desks, toilets, sinks, door handles, remote controls, power switches, etc.).
- Тhe infected person should stay in a separate room and away from other people in the home, following the instructions for home care
- If no separate bathroom is available, the toilet should be cleaned and disinfected after each visit to the sick person
- Household members should follow the home care guidelines when coming into contact with suspected/diagnosed COVID-19 persons and their isolation rooms/bathrooms
How to clean and disinfect your home Surfaces?
- Wear disposable gloves when cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. Discard them after use. If you use reusable gloves, they should be designed to clean and disinfect surfaces for COVID-19 and not be used for other purposes. Observe the instructions for the use of cleaning and disinfecting products. And do not forget to wash your hands after each glove is removed.
- If surfaces are contaminated, they must be treated with detergent or soap and water before being disinfected.
- Bleach, alcohol solution (at least 70%) and disinfectants are some of the most effective disinfectants. The bleach can be used to clean specific surfaces (tiles, stone floors, etc.). Observe the expiry date and follow the instructions on the label on the back. And never mix bleach with ammonia or any other detergent.
- For soft surfaces such as carpets, curtains, etc., remove any visible dirt, if any, then clean with a suitable detergent intended for use on similar surfaces. Then wash in heat.
If you need professional cleaning help, contact us.